Wedding in Bergamo at San Giovanni delle Formiche of Oliver and Lucy


On September 17th, 2022, Oliver and Lucy were united in marriage in a civil ceremony at San Giovanni delle Formiche. The location, located on a hill with a view of the Prealps, provided a picturesque backdrop for the ceremony. The day started with a cloudy sky, but as the sun set towards the horizon, the sky turned red, creating a spectacular sunset for the newlyweds and their guests.

Oliver and Lucy entered the location hand in hand, with smiles on their faces. The mayor, who officiated the ceremony, pronounced meaningful words about love and marriage, while the newlyweds looked into each other’s eyes, full of joy and happiness. After saying their vows, the newlyweds exchanged wedding rings and sealed their love with a passionate kiss.

The celebration continued with a sunset toast, during which the guests toasted to the couple’s happiness with champagne and appetizers. Oliver and Lucy then danced a romantic dance under the stars, followed by a night filled with music, laughter, and fun with friends and family.

Oliver and Lucy’s wedding was an unforgettable day filled with love, happiness, and beauty. The couple seemed more in love than ever and all the guests joined together to wish them a future filled with joy and love.